Subaru STi & CQuartz Finest
In our line of work we have the distinct privilege of working with car enthusiasts of all makes, models, and walks of life. When the owner of this brand new Subaru STi contacted us to perform a CQuartz Finest service we knew we were in for a treat. The owner has excellent vision and already has big plans for this car. It's only the beginning for this Subaru!
The current generation of the STi really represents the pinnacle of design for the company. This vehicle exudes quality. Not only is it very clearly well assembled but the little details all over the car make it truly special. On top of the overall quality Subaru has really stepped up the plate when it comes to interior materials. The Alcantara inserts in the seats and door cards along with the other materials are all miles ahead of where they used to be. We were eager to dig into this project which not only included CQuartz Finest on the wheels and body, but CQuartz Fabric protection for the sensitive portions of the interior.
Pre-Wash Condition
Ready to dive in!
Even a well-maintained vehicle like this will pick up a few bug strikes!
We began our initial wash with a thorough cleaning of the wheels with an iron removing wheel cleaner.
Following the wheel cleaning it was time to pre-rinse the vehicle with wash chemicals that assist in stripping whatever protection remained.
After our decontamination water sat flat, showing a lack of protection. We strip protection in order to assess paint condition honestly and create an ideal surface to perform paint correction.
Paint Correction & Coating
Prior to our intensive single step correction, we bagged off the vehicle to air brush CQuartz Finest on the wheels.
We were sure to be thorough in bagging the vehicle, no corners are cut and we take the steps some don't to assure the best possible outcome.
Dave can be seen here air brushing Finest onto the wheels.
Before correction you can see slight marring and hazing.
Before correction you can see slight swirling along with isolated scratching.
In preparation for CQuartz Fabric on the Alcantara portions of the interior, we were sure to prep extensively to assure product only went where it was intended.
We also took special care to protect the unique finish of the titanium shift knob during interior care.
After our intensive single stage correction, clarity has been restored to the finish.
Correction for this STi focused as much attention to removing marring as it did to restoring gloss and depth to the surface.
The results on this one were absolutely stunning. We were very fortunate that when it came time for delivery, it was gorgeous day! The owner was ecstatic when he saw the deep, glossy reflections and improvement in clarity our paint correction paired with CQuartz Finest provided. Not only does it look good, he's now in for 2 years of world class protection and ease of maintenance. Finest is an amazing product system. If you're interested in long term protection, don't hesitate to reach out! Enjoy our finished shots below and as always, click to view them in full size.
Thanks for looking,
The Team @ Arete